Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Goals on Groundhog Day



striped shirt - gapblack dress - target
tights - wet seal
boots - steve by steve madden

I only take photos of my outfit when I'm wearing florals. Hmm...wonder what that translates to...I think it's because I thinking Spring Spring Spring and since that damn little groundhog saw his shadow, 6 more weeks.

Okay - so I've decided that I need to start slow with a blog. Not only do I need to remind myself to update regularly, but to take pictures (my camera is awful - but didn't everyone start out that way?), and make and honest effort to catalog my life....

That's my main motivation, because I was looking at Tieka's blog and noticed she's been blogging since 2006! (Hey, its on her archives...) And that is four years ago...just imagine being able to look back, thanks to the technology we have, and see/read how you felt that day, week, ...years!

Also, my photos won't be like the ones on other blogs because:
1. I don't have a good camera, tripod, or photographer
2. This is my blog
3. You have to get your poses just right...

So, here's my outfit I wore today. I substituted the black dress for a gray, high waisted skirt for my improv rehearsal, and it looked much better...But, alas, my pics were taken with the dress...

Also - most of the girls who do fashion blogs are very very skinny! I'm looking at them, thinking that their clothes look amazing on them, and then I try to emulate on my own...and it looks completely not what I thought. And the pictures make it worse, more apparent. I feel like I've been dieting for the past two years, exercising about 3-4 times a week, and I don't see any results... I'm hoping I'll wake up one day and it will all be melted away. Le sigh.

....**I'm in a huge funk lately. A funk lasting over a week. I need change, or something amazing to happen.


  1. I think your body is shaped perfectly! I went into a phase where I thought I had to be super thin, I dropped 20 pounds and went down a couple jeans sizes. I fell in love with being super thin, until I started hearing other say that I was too thin and I looked great before. So I decided to stop caring so much about being a size 2, and Im so much happier now. Your clothes look super great on you, I dont think you need to lose a single pound.
    -morganne :)

  2. hi there! I wanted to stop by thank you for your kind comment on my blog. :o) it's so flattering when people enjoy my style, I can hardly believe it. so thank you!

    I really like your outfit here, too. LOVE the tights. and you should NOT worry about being skinny- you look fantastic! and slim. the thing about bloggers is a lot of them know how to dress their bodies to look their best. I know that I definitely have more than a few gripes with mine!

    sometimes it takes a while to notice the changes from all your hard work- it always frustrates me. but you look great, don't worry!
